Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Act Justly: North Korean Temple Tables

Would the USA and the Kingdom not be just in aggresive, smart action to overturn the North Korean temple tables, as described in this piece from Slate? In keeping with principles enumerated below from the Word, are we not bound to seek justice and deliverance for the most oppressed and abused people on earth?


Blogger Kile and Em said...

My immediate answer to the question is YES, YES, YES. We should rally the free world and march on PyongYang and free to oppressed North Korean people.

But the cost must be counted first.

The cost would be unimaginably high. The "Great Leader" would not go lightly and he would likely throw hundreds of thousands of his people in our path. Saddam Husseing was an evil tyrant but he was not a madman. Kim Jong Il is a madman. I believe that he would use every weapon in his arsenal. So what do we do? I don't know. I don't have a clue.

1:37 PM  

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