Tuesday, October 30, 2007


In 1994, I took Kinesiology 101 at HU or "One-oh-Run" as we called it. Jogging was the only thing I could do to pass that class, and I hated every step. I kept running a bit throughout college, but nothing was serious. I ran sporadically during law school, intensely for a year in the first year of marriage and law practice, then none at all for the next five years.

One year ago this month, my wife and I decided to get serious about our eating, trying to lose weight and hoping to live longer. I weighed in last October at around 220, much, much to heavy for my frame. We dove into the South Beach Diet, and I started running.

A year later, I feel like a runner. Last November, I got a runner's high on endorphines for the first time, and my family noticed these developments at my birthday with a new stopwatch, Road ID, new kicks, Runner's World and wicking t-shirts. All of that just made me feel obligated to live up to the hype.

Today, I weighed in at 183. My pace at 4 miles is between 7:30 and 8:00 per mile.

This story comes full circle when I run, Lord Willing, in the Harding University Bison Stampede 5K this Saturday. This is my first organized sporting event since I was in elementary school, unless you count band competition and you don't.

My goal is to clock in at 22:00, and I hope to beat my friend, Jamey, whom I never have beaten in anything athletic since we were in second grade.

Stay tuned.


Blogger Mark Elrod said...

We'll compare new bods when you get here on Friday.

Way to go.

12:17 AM  
Blogger Mike the Eyeguy said...

Wish I could be there to run with you. It sounds like the two of us could have ourselves a real race (I'm a "22ish" guy myself).

Speaking of band, you'll enjoy this anecdote. Recently, the Huntsville City School Board ruled that Grissom High athletes taking 7th period sport classes, ROTC and band members were no longer exempted from the P.E. requirement.

The athletic teams and ROTC immediately appealed (and won) pointing out that their level of physical activity far exceeded that of the typical P.E. class.

As for the band? Well, let's just say they weren't quite as successful. But it was very entertaining watching them make their case on local TV stations and in the Huntsville Times.

6:01 AM  
Blogger JRB said...

I'm not going to suggest that band is a comparable work-out to the athletic teams or ROTC, but marching season is pretty rigorous. It was at least for my band and my wife's band in Tennessee. We had summer practices where people were falling out from the heat, and we were moving on our feet for hours in all elements. Good times.

I was hoping from comments from you two this morning, and you didn't disappoint. Cheers.

10:56 AM  
Blogger Juicysmom said...

I want to go to homecoming!!

this is in response to Jenn's comments on my blog
I did see the publix pampers--that's cheaper than Sam's--Sam's doesn't take coupons, but I've heard Costco does. Publix doubles up to 50 and Winn dixie does too--I think---last night they didn't and there was not a manager to ask.

We use to buy the Mont paper on the side of the road on the way to church--now I go to Publix on Sunday afternoons for the Birmingham.

you need to blog about Financial Peace--we need tips on endurance!

2:21 PM  

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