Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Blue Alabama

Alabama may be the scene of legitimate political movement and competition this season. Two Congressional seats are open, and the DCCC and state Democrats sense an opening, national momentum toward the party in the winter of war and recession. Of course these are socially conservative districts, but they also have a populist streak. The Democratic candidates are running that way, too.

We live in the Second District, and if it goes Blue, it’ll be national news. The leading Democratic candidate is Bobby Bright, current mayor of Montgomery. He is a very promising candidate for the slot. He’s been elected thrice for mayor in a city with much the same demographics as the rest of the district, the first time against a well entrenched incumbent. Even better, he and his wife, a retiring judge, are alumni of Jones School of Law.

If the Fifth District in north Alabama, including Huntsville, and the Second District in central and south Alabama, including Montgomery, go to the Democrats, we will know that this is a movement or at least a deft pivot for the state of American politics and party identification.


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