Thursday, May 05, 2005

What was it that I wanted to say?

I believe.....? I don't believe......?

As an exercise for English class in high school I had to write a Credo; a statement of beliefs. It was easy then. It's not as easy anymore.

What is it that changes our beliefs? Time, I guess is the answer. With time comes knowledge, experience, memory, wrinkles, flab.

I once believed that Bon Jovi's "Slippery When Wet" album was the magnum opus of the rock cannon.

What else have I been wrong about?

What is it that I believe? What is it that you believe? What is it that we believe?


Blogger JRB said...

I'm reminded of the cliche regarding graduate school and modern division of labor, that as we advance we learn "more and more about less and less" as we specialize and become experts in our chosen fields.

As it relates to your post, though, I think that I have come to believe less and less about more and more. My tenets of faith, my "beliefs," get broader and less specific. For instance, I believe that we are called to worship God generally but I do not believe that worship must or should be defined in specific places, times or forms. I believe that Jesus is Lord and that we need Him to live ourselves, but I think that our access to His love transcends the limits and means we grew up with. He is at work in ways we cannot believe in because we are not conscious of His presence there.


7:58 PM  

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