Wednesday, February 06, 2008

High Rollers

The day after Super Tuesday, the Clinton campaign announces or admits that HRC has loaned her own campaign $5,000,000 from the family fortune. Reporters have been asking about this since last week, but the campaign did not confirm it until Wednesday.

In January, the Obama campaign raised $32,000,000, mostly from individual donors, while the HRC campaign raised $13,000,000 plus her loan.

What could have been the strategy? The Clinton campaign kept the tight financial times under wraps until today. Surely, they must have been betting against Super Tuesday, saying that if they have a strong showing in Super Tuesday, bank on a fund-raising boost, a bump in polls and never miss a beat. Instead, she got a dead-heat, lost her front-runner status, down states, down delegates and now down big in money. Several of her senior staffers have agreed to go without pay for a month, and the Clinton campaign implored contributions from its supports to meet a goal of $3,000,000 in three days.

Since Tuesday, the Obama campaign has raised over $5,000,000 and is on track for another $30,000,000 month.

Meanwhile, Clinton has to figure out how to compete this weekend in Louisiana, Washington, Nebraska and Maine, and next week in Maryland, D.C. and Virginia, not to mention Ohio and 18,000 caucus precincts in Texas on March 4. That's a long haul.

I am stumped how the inevitable front-running campaign is out of money at this point.

Perhaps we continue to witness something new. The others are running campaigns. Obama is leading a movement.


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