Monday, August 13, 2007


The other day, our two-and-a-half year old daughter, B, was playing with K, our fourteen-month old daughter, in their bedroom. They were laughing, dancing and running around, like little girls will do. Then, K started complaining and protesting while B pulled and prodded on her.

Momma responded to K’s cries and B’s insistence, to find B with her arm around K’s shoulders. B was pulling and tugging K, trying to get her up on the toddler bed.

Momma said, “What are you doing? Don’t pull on K like that!.”

B replied, “I’m John the Baptist!”


“I’m pretend John the Baptist, and K is Jesus, and we’re going to the water!”

Prophecy is a hard way to make a living, B, really hard.


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