Thursday, September 06, 2007

Political Notes

1. Fred Thompson actually appeared nervous on Leno last night. Isn't TV his strong suit? Senator Thompson could not have towed the President's line anymore vigorously, and I question whether that's a good strategy. If you has nothing new to offer, all the drama and strategery will fall flat.

2. When seeking to retain your job or repair your reputation, this is a problematic strategy:
1. Tell the cops you did nothing wrong.
2. Plead guilty.
3. Say pleading guilty was a mistake.
4. Announce your resignation.
5. Say you're going to "fight like hell."
6. Reconsider your resignation.
7. Condition your resignation on a unlikely appeal of the guilty plea.
8. Say you are still resigning, then say it's alright, because you weren't running again anyway. So there; take that.

Where's The Decider when you need him?


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