Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Huh? I'm not sure I'm following you.

From the mouth of Pat Robertson:

"It's clear from the teachings of the Quran and also from the history of Islam that it's anything but peaceful," Robertson said in a subsequent interview with CNN. "Of course there are peace-loving Muslims. But at the same time, at the core of this religion ... is jihad, and it is to subject the unbelievers either to forced conversion or death. That's what it teaches.”

"If he thinks we're trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it," Robertson told viewers on his "The 700 Club" show Monday. "It's a whole lot cheaper than starting a war."

"We have the ability to take him out, and I think the time has come that we exercise that ability," Robertson said. "We don't need another $200 billion war to get rid of one strong-arm dictator. It's a whole lot easier to have some of the covert operatives do the job and then get it over with."

Okay, let me get this straight. Jihad = bad. Assassination = good.


Blogger jduckbaker said...

Oh thank you Kile- I was going to post on this, but wasn't sure even how to start it up. I don't even know if I am sure how to express my thoughts on it- so I'll just say thanks for posting-

1:28 PM  
Blogger Kile and Em said...


Please feel free to post whatever your heart is screaming right now. I was probably too upset to post anything substantive so I went with using quotes and being snide instead.

I will never understand the "Christ's teachings cannot govern Christians if those Christians are engaged in Politics" viewpoint. I know that the fear behind this viewpoint is that if we followed Christ in every aspect then we would leave our country weaker than if we didn't follow Christ.

My response to this is: so what? What if America stopped being a superpower? How would this affect the kingdom of God? After all shouldn't that be our number one priority.

A long time ago Christians argued for pacifism. But today we argue for assassination. I am not so sure that this is progress.

2:05 PM  
Blogger Phil Harwell said...


This isn't really a reply to the post, I just wanted to give a shout out to my cuz JRB, and of course to the rest of you (whassup Kile!). I didn't know about this blog until I followed a link from J.A. Wiser's blog (one of y'all left a message there). So anyways, glad I ran into your site. I will add it to my list of links, when I finally get around to revising my website (this is long overdue!).

Love in Christ,
Phil Harwell

5:48 PM  
Blogger Eric said...

This ties in well with the article I linked in the previous blog. A couple of quotes to whet your appetites:

"Many Christians believe that the cross is the source, but not the shape, of their salvation." M. Gorman

"The God revealed in Jesus Christ is shaped like a cross, not a sword...To believe in this God is to follow his Son in the way of the cross. To be sure, it is to experience a resurrection to new life, as Paul makes clear in Rom 6. But that “resurrection life” is, paradoxically, a life of daily death to self, to sin, and, yes, to the will to power, as Paul makes clear in every letter he writes. This life of death is a life of self-giving service to others. It is the cruciform life, the only life that is truly life-giving." M. Gorman

"The whole history of Christianity, and the history of the world, would have followed a different course if it had not been that again and again the theology of the cross became a theology of glory, and that the church of the cross became a church of glory."
Emil Brunner

8:55 AM  
Blogger JRB said...

I have bundles of thoughts for Pat Robertson.

Here are three:

1. I may be a "just war" guy, but I am not a "just preemptive murder" guy.

2. As Colin Powell said in regard to Iraq: "We broke it, we bought it." Before we decide to decapitate a government, we best prepare to take over to ensure stability and to avoid chaos. I disagree that assasignation would less costly over the long run than war. Decades of power struggle in Venezeula is in no one's interest, especially BIG OIL. What those stock options, K!

3. Pat Robertson also said that Venezeuela under Chaves would be a breeding ground for COMMUNIST INFILTRATORS. Come again? What's that? Castro getting expansionist out there in the Carib? North Korea making big in-roads in South America? China is building an aircraft carrier for the first time, I heard, to be ready in 10 years. Maybe it's the disaffected Italians?

9:41 AM  
Blogger JRB said...

PHIL! So good you stopped by, my cousin! I hope that all is well and blessed with the growing families. We need to get the second-cousins, once removed, together sometime soon.

9:42 AM  
Blogger Kile and Em said...

Let's also not forget that Pat thought the State Dept should be blown up by a Nuclear device.

Oh Pat, you so crazy.

10:35 AM  
Blogger JRB said...

Regarding the "clarification" from Pat Robertson today:

I believe this is called "appealing to the base," a Karl Rove speciality. Pat Robertson is not trying to win new converts but to give those who support him, the "700 Club," a fig leaf. His 1 million viewers each day probably aren't the sort to seek out balanced pov's or news from multiple sources. I don't know any of those 1 million folks, but I must assuem that Robertson does and he doesn't want to lose them. Thus, he has to give them some cover so that they won't get clued into the sham.

I love these moments, though, because it demonstrates the beauty of Free Speech. Chavez's VP wondered allowed why Bush and the gov't won't do something about these "criminal" statements. The most beautiful thing of all? They can't do ANYTHING about it, except to speak back. They' not criminal at all, no matter how stupid or mean. Robertson will dangle on a long rope of his own making, not by the imposition of government retribution.

God bless the marketplace.

1:26 PM  
Blogger Kile and Em said...

Wow, Pat Robertson apologizes for his assasination comments. Check out your news site of choice.

Way to go man. This is a really good step.

4:37 PM  
Blogger JRB said...

He sort of apologized:



8:34 AM  
Blogger Kile and Em said...

After reading the entire text of the "apology" I am leaning back towards dissappointment. But at the very lest he admitted he had said something wrong, he actually said "I apologize", and he said we shouldn't call for people's assassination.

That might be the best we can hope for. Of course after rummaging around on the CBN website I discovered the Pat's Pancakes can make me live forever and that people with left political leanings support islamic terrorists.

So all in all it was a good time.

Check out mikecope.blogspot.com for his post yesterday. Heartbreaking and a beautiful expression of faith and love.

9:18 AM  

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